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Korea’s Rep. Kang Sun-woo, CNN interview

강선우 의원, 국회현장 CNN 인터뷰 전문


Korea’s Rep. Kang Sun-woo, CNN interview

강선우 의원, CNN 인터뷰 전문

Dec 06, 2024

강선우 의원, CNN 인터뷰 전문 (1:05)

Korea’s Rep. Kang Sun-woo, CNN interview

Through a CNN interview, all of our Democratic Party members have announced that they are on standby without leaving the National Assembly in preparation for a possible second martial law.

Despite the ongoing standoff and the tense atmosphere within the National Assembly, many foreign media outlets are expressing admiration for the resilience of our democracy, which is carrying out its role despite the extreme event of martial law.

The whole world is paying attention to Korean politics. So, I appeal to the members of the People Power Party.

Let’s not make shameful choices. Your conscience already knows the answer.

Rep. Kang Sun-woo, CNN interview full text

1. I thought it was a joke. I was in bed and trying to fall asleep and then all of a sudden I got these tons of calls that have the same declaration of martial law for, especially for our generation we are not used to even the word of martial law. So at first I thought it was a joke and then media was all about martial law. So I just got up and I ran to the National Assembly from my constituency. And fortunately it doesn't take a long time to my constituency. So it took less than 30 minutes and I was able to come into this national assembly and take a vote.

2. The total we can make 192 if we collect all the from opposition parties. So that means we need 8 more votes to make it go through here at the National Assembly and
more votes from the president's People's power party.
So we are trying to contact the members from PPP personally especially of course, I have in person good friends in PPP so I'm trying to persuade them and trying to tell them vote for this impeachment proposal. So we can kind of like make this nation better. But to be honest with you, at this time, we are not sure if we can have 8 votes from PPP but I am sure that we do this process over and over again. The crack in PPP will get bigger and bigger and we will be able to get even more than 8 votes from PPP sooner.

3. Not really since Tuesday night.
I've been at the National Assembly physically and all of the members in DPK are at the same situation because we are meeting some groups according to our standing committees and we are watching at the main room because we are concerned and afraid that President YOON might make another declaration of martial law at any time because he is kind of unique and we cannot predict what he's going to do. So since the last martial law failed, we are very concerned that he may do another one.
So that's why we are staying here and we are not going home and just to watch that.

*더불어민주당 서울 강서(갑) 국회의원 강선우

후원: 농협 301-0273-5344-11(국회의원강선우후원회)

페이스북   / kangsunwooo  
인스타그램   / gangseonsunwoo  

*유튜브 보도영상:

CNN 보도


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