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[Shocking Breaking News] Pretext about Killing US soldier, US to be ma…

Why United States be enraged at South Korea’s president Yoon


[Shocking Breaking News]
Pretext about Killing US soldier, US to be manipulated to bomb North Korea by the plot of president Yoon’s Martial Law

Why United States be enraged at South Korea’s president Yoon?

Journalist Kim Eo-jun reveals

Kim Eo-jun appears at the National Assembly on the 13th and reveals shocking report on the ‘12.3 rebellion by president Yoon’s Martial Law

Dec 12, 2024

- Journalist Kim Eo-jun’s speech today at the National Assembly of the Science-Broadcasting-Communications Committee

-What on earth did President Yoon Seok-yeol dream of conspiracy of a rebellion?
Journalist Kim Eo-jun appeared at the National Assembly on the 13th and revealed shocking report on the ‘12.3 internal rebellion by declaring martial law.

Kim Eo-jun said, “The first tip I received was not ‘an arrest team is coming,’ but ‘an assassination team is being activated. ’”

*Pretext of Secret Plans:
1). Killing ruling party leader Han Dong-hoon, who would have to being arrested and transferred.
2). Pretending to rescue the unit that is being transferred after arresting Yang Jeong-cheol and Kim Eo-jun, but then would be escapes.
3). Buried North Korean military uniforms in a specific location.
4). After a certain point, they found the military uniform and announced that it was North Korea's doing.
5). Moreover, plot to Killing several US soldiers; thus, it would likely led the US to bomb North Korea.
6). Terrorize by using chemical-biological weapons.

Therefore, President Yoon should be arrested and excluded from all jobs as soon as possible.

Mr. Kim, who appeared as a witness before the National Assembly that day, revealed that he was the one who reported to Democratic Party of Korea lawmaker Kim Byung-joo about the assassination squad (HID) trained as if looking like North Korean agents.

He said that the first mission given to the assassination squad was to “kill Han Dong-hoon, the leader of the People Power Party, who was arrested and being transferred,” and the second mission was to “pretend to raid the unit that was transporting Cho Kuk, Yang Jeong-cheol, and Kim Eo-jun and pretending rescue them, then bit later escape from the plot.

He also said that the assassination squad’s pretext mission was to “bury North Korean military uniforms in a specific location,” and “find the uniforms after a certain point in time and prove that it was North Korea’s doing.”

Kim Eo-jun added, “The killing of Representative Han Dong-hoon was intended to blame North Korea for the incident,” and “the purpose of the rescue operation for Cho Kuk, Yang Jeong-cheol, and Kim Eo-jun was to inflict maximum damage on the escorting unit to announce that North Korea was attempting to rescue pro-North forces.” Regarding the source of this information, he stated, “This story is like an absurd novel, so if I may reveal a partial source, it is from one of allied country with an embassy in Korea.” He explained that after seeing the content of the previous day’s Address to the Nation by internal violence with ringleader Yoon Seok-yeol. So, journalist Kim he concluded that this dangerous situation was not over, and so he decided to make the information public.


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